2014年9月28日 バイリンガル英語 ガラテヤ2:20
聖書 ローマ人への手紙 5章6~11節
「十字架につけられ」使徒信条シリーズ 9
1 先ずパウロは、自分を含めて、私たちのことを5:6-8で、「弱い者」「不敬虔な者」「罪人」と呼んでいます。「弱い者」自分で自分を救うことができない者です。「不敬虔な者」神様の権威に逆らい、自由勝手きままに御わざに反抗し、神様をあざけり、主イエス・キリスト様を侮っています。「罪人」です。私たちは神様の義に照らして、的はずれな人生を歩んでいます。パウロは以前は、神様に仕えていると思いながら、実際は主イエス・キリストを迫害していると、主からいわれてしまいました。神様の救いの道に反抗し、備えられた救い主を葬り去ろうとしました。私たちの人生で、最善と思うことでも的をはずして最悪と言うことがあるのです。特に自分のいのちの守りについては、常に的をはずして生活しています。一番大事な魂を滅ぼすことについて計算に入れないからです。自分がいのちを支えていると思いこんでいるのです。さらに、10節では、神様の「敵」といわれています。神様と私たちの間に敵意があるというのです。最善を備えられた愛の神様に最悪を持って報い、愛を拒否しているのです。それどころか、一から十まで神様に敵対しているのです。罪のなかにいる人間の荒涼とした情景がここに記されています。人生の失敗者、神への反逆者、敵対者、それでいて自分を救うことができない無力な者です。認めたくなくても、サウロ時代のパウロはまさにそのとおりでした。そして、私たちも福音について、まことの神様について 無知で無力で敵対している罪人です。
2 それにもかかわらず、このような者たちのために主イエス・キリストは死んでくださったと、パウロは言っています。自分のために死んでくださった主をしらずに、以前はなんということを考え、行っていたことか。私たちがまだ罪人であったときに、キリストは十字架上で死んでくださった。神はご自身で無比の愛をこのように示してくださった。
更に主イエス・キリストの十字架の血は、私たちを神様と和解させただけではなく、私たちを罪から贖いました。エペソ1:7 「私たちは、この御子のうちにあって、御子の血による贖い、すなわち罪の赦しを受けているのです。これは神の豊かな恵みによることです。」十字架の血という代価を払うことで罪の悲惨と束縛から救出していただいたのです。赦される道が開かれたのです。
3 私たちは信仰の途中で神様から放り出されるようなことは決してない。主イエス・キリスト様の十字架が成し遂げた事柄のあまりにも大きな恵みと覚える時に、又、神様の確実な救いの保証を覚えるとき、わたしたちは「そればかりでなく、私たちのために今や和解を成り立たせてくださった私たちの主イエス・キリストによって、私たちは神を大いに喜んでいるのです。」
2014/09/28 Bilingual Worship Galatians 2:20
Bible Rome 5:6-11 “was crucified” Apostle Creed
Intro) We’ve learned about Jesus Christ that he was suffered under Pontius Pilate, who gave him a verdict of being crucified at the distorted court even if he had no sin. Today, we will learn the part of “was crucified”. How do we understand and accept his crucifixion?
Before resurrected Jesus caught Apostle Paul on the way to Damascus, he was called Saul, who was thinking Jesus was receiving his reward of the blasphemy against God, since he saw himself as God. I am pretty sure he had a same position with Jew high priest, Law teachers, Pharisee about the verdict on Jesus, which was death on the cross. That’s why he caught many Christians and persecuted them, listened to Stephan’s sermon and agreed to stone him.
It’s really important to learn what Paul was trying to teach on Jesus’ death on the cross now.
1. First, he called us, including him, as “weak” “ungodly” “sinners” in 5:5-6. “Weak” is who can’t save himself. “Ungodly” is who is against God’s authority, revels God’s work, scoffs Him, and despises Jesus Christ. We are “Sinners”. When we see our walk in the light of the God’s righteous light, it is like missing the bulls. Paul had thought that he served the Lord but Lord told him he was actually persecuting Lord Jesus Christ. He rebelled the Lord of the salvation and tried to vanish the Lord of Savior. Even if we think it’s the best thing to do but it can be the worst thing and miss the target. Especially in an effort to protect our own lives, we always miss the target. We never give a serious thought on what’s most important, which is about destroying our soul. We think we are the one who is sustaining our own life. Moreover on v.10, we’re called God’s enemy. It is said there is hostility between God and us.
We revenged with our worst to God’s very best love and denying His love. Moreover, we are hostile to Him completely. It depicts a scene of us human being in the desert of the sin. We are failures of our lives, rebels and hostiles against God, yet we are so weak that we can’t save even ourselves. Paul didn’t want to admit but he was exactly like that when he was Saul. Similarly, we are rebelling sinners who are ignorant and powerless to the Gospel and God.
2, Nevertheless, Jesus Christ has died for us, said Paul. What were we thinking and doing before knowing Jesus died for us? Christ Died for us even when we were still sinners. God showed His incomparable love like this.
Jesus Christ shed his blood on the cross on behalf of us. Rom 3:25 ” whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins.”
The blood was shed on the cross, as an substitute for us not only to vanish our sin from God’s sight but also calmed down his anger, which was to be shown as punishment toward our sin. Red blood cleansed the Black sin to be white. God revealed his righteousness by the cross. It was propitiation. That opened the door to the reconciliation with God. We are saved because of this cross. 5:9 “Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God.” We, who are justified and delivered from God’s wrath because of faith, will of course be justified and delivered from God’s wrath, in the future eternal judgement.
The Cross of Jesus has brought reconciliation between God and us. 5:10 “For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life” Moreover, resurrection of Jesus after the cross, death and being buried would complete the work of salvation in heaven which was started on earth by him.
8:34”Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died- more than that, who was raised-who is the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.”
Let’s look at v.10 again. Enemies were reconciled. And what happened? Became friend of God. If that’s the case, friend would definitely receive the salvation.
Moreover, Jesus’s blood not only reconciled us but he saved us from our sin and redeemed. Eph1:7 “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace” We have redemption through his blood and delivered from the misery and bandage of the sin. The way is opened for the forgiveness.
3. There is no chance to be abandoned while walking on the path of the faith. When we remember this amazing grace of the Jesus Christ’s cross, and assurance of the salvation, 5:11“More than that, we also rejoice in God though our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation”
It’s not only saying about the past and future salvation but we also rejoice in God with hope now.
Jesus won this grace as a result of the cross.
Is Jesus on the cross a criminal for you or is he a savior like Jesus taught first, and Paul and apostles preached and Bible still talks to you? Which is it?
I was enemy and sinner against him but now I believe and called to his salvation and now and forever. Not only that I rejoice in God.