Worship Leader: Rev.Shinichi Hirohashi 司会者: 廣橋信一牧師
Accompanist: Ms. Kazusa Oba 奏楽者: 大場かづさ姉妹
Preacher: Mr.Jonathan Oh 説教者: オー・ジョナサン師
Interpreter: Rev.Shinichi Hirohashi 通訳者: 廣橋信一牧師
Song Leader: Elder.Muneyasu Nasu さんびリーダー: 那須宗泰長老
Worship song : You are worthy of my praise
Worship song : I could sing of Your love
Worship song : Amazing Grace (My chains are gone)
Bible Reading: John 9 :1-7
Message: “Jesus: Light of the World” Mr.Jonathan Oh
Worship song: What the Lord has done in me
Worship song: Awesome God
Benediction Rev.Shinichi Hirohashi