April 26, 2015 Bilingual English Worship:Voice Record
Worship Leader Rev.Shinichi Hirohashi 司会者 廣橋信一牧師 Accompanist Mr.Takayuki Osawa 奏楽者 大沢隆之狭兄弟 Preacher Rev.John Evans 説教者 ジョン・エバンズ宣教師Interpreter Rev.Shinichi Hirohashi 通訳者 廣橋信一牧師 Song Leader Elder Muneyasu Nasu さんびリーダー 那須宗泰長老
Worship song : He is exalted 主をほめ讃えよ Prayer Worship song : In Christ alone Worship song : Heart of worship 心からの賛美へ Bible Reading :Colossians 3:18-4:6 コロサイ3:18 -4:6 Message:「 New Life – New Relationships」 「新生と新しい人間関係」 Worship song: As the deer 鹿のように Offering Prayer Worship song: Awesome God 大いなる神 Benediction Rev. John Evans
Sermon Title: New Life – New Relationships
Bible Text: Colossians 3:18-4:6
Introduction: What Motivates us?
1. … At Home (3:18-21)
2. … On the Job (3:22-4:1)
3. … In the World (4:2-6)
Conclusion: Relationships Motivated and Shaped by the Gospel