
2018年7月15日 礼拝 説教 マタイ6:19−21「天に宝を積む」日本語文/英語訳(録音音声あり)

2018年7月15日 マタイ6:19−21「天に宝を積む」



Ⅰ 天に宝を積む

1 イエス様は、生活態度について、まず、宝についてどのような態度で生活すべきかを教えました。宝は「想像もできないほど価値があるもので、安全に保管されているもの」と定義される。「宝」は、金銭の話とだけ決めてしまうと、まちがいます。虫がつくのは、高価な織物、衣類など、ねずみや、害虫などが食い破るもの、さびは金属類を腐食させて使いものにならなくする。傷物になるから、地上に蓄えてはいけない。さらに盗人が倉の壁に穴を開けて盗んでしまう危険性がある。大事にしまってある物、積み蓄えられている物、時には最愛の人間、時には最愛の思想、それらを神の御手にゆだねることは、心を天に向けさせるのです。


2 宝を蓄えることは悪いことではない。どこに蓄えるかが重要。イエス様は言われた。「天に宝を積みなさい」

そのためには、自分の持ち物を売って施しなさい。自分の宝をこの世で用いて、来るべき天で差し引き残高が残るように、さらには、天に積み立てられるように用いなさい。「王はその右にいる者に言います。さあ、わたしの父に祝福された人たち。世のはじめから、あなたがたのために備えられた御国を継ぎなさい。あなた方は、わたしが空腹であった時、わたしに食べる者を与え、わたしが渇いていたとき、わたしに飲ませ、わたしが旅人であったとき、わたしに宿を貸し、わたしが裸であったとき、わたしに着る物を与え、わたしが病気をしたとき、わたしを見舞い、私が牢にいたとき、わたしをたずねてくれたからです。… すると王は彼らに答えて言います。まことに、あなたがたに告げます。あなた方がこれらわたしの兄弟たち、しかも最も小さい者たちのひとりにしたのは、わたしにしたのです。」(マタイ25:34-36、40)自分で気づいていないかもしれない。しかし主にあって、兄弟姉妹たちや、最も小さい者たちに良い行いをすることによって、天に差し引き残高を多く積み上げた。天にて報いを受け喜びにあずかるのです。


「今の世で富んでいる人たちに命じなさい。高慢にならず、頼りにならない富にではなく、むしろ、私たちすべての物を豊かに与えて楽しませてくださる神に望みを置き、善を行い、立派な行いに富み、惜しみなく施し、喜んで分け与え、来たるべき世において立派な土台となるものを自分自身のために蓄え、まことのいのちを得るように命じなさい」(第一テモテ6:17-19 新改訳2017)。


3 地上にだけ目を向けた生活態度は、宝を地上に積むために窮々とします。その地上の宝が、私たちの感情、愛情、思想、そのほかあらゆる感受性をつかみ取り、支配してしまいます。まず、何はともあれ、神の国を、と、求める生活態度は、その心に清さ、喜び、すがすがしさ、永遠の幸福を豊かにあふれさせます。


Ⅱ 「地に宝を積む」ことへの警告 旧約聖書 アモス6:1-8から












7節 「それゆえ、今、彼らは、最初の捕らわれ人として引いて行かれる。身を伸ばしている者どもの宴会は取り除かれる」。



8節 審判に関する神の誓い




Ⅲ 「地に宝を積む」ことへの警告 新約聖書 ヤコブの手紙5:1-3




1 「聞きなさい。今。富める者たち」



「悲惨」 この言葉は、この箇所とローマ3:16「 彼らの道には破壊と悲惨がある。」にだけ使われている。ローマ7:24「私は、ほんとうに惨めな人間です。」とパウロが言った「みじめ」と言うことばが、ここの「悲惨」の原語になっている。「泣き叫びなさい」命令形。主の日が来るときに、もしあなたが自分のしていることを知っていたならば、あなたは自分を訪れるさばきの恐怖に泣き叫び、嘆き悲しむでしょう。そうなる前に、泣き叫びなさい。救われなさい。言語は擬声語で、「オロルゼイン」です。発音は、泣き叫ぶほどの強い音。旧約聖書では「号泣」と訳されています。それは神様のさばきにあった人のきちがいじみた恐怖を描いています。イザヤ13:8-9「燃える顔で互いを見る。見よ。主の日が来る。残酷な日だ。憤りと燃える怒りをもって、地を荒れすたらせ、罪人たちをそこから根絶やしにする。」イザヤ14:31 「門よ、泣きわめけ。町よ、叫べ。ペリシテの全土は、震えおののけ。北から煙が上がり、その編隊から抜ける者がないからだ。」地獄に堕ちた人が体験している苦痛を述べているのが、この言葉です。




15th July 2018

Laying up Treasures in Heaven (Matt 6:19-21)


“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for

then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven (Matt 6:1)” The Lord warned the

lifestyle attitude of the hypocrites as he started teaching in 6:1, but from here until 7:12 he taught

proactively what does “more righteous” walk look like in our life’s attitude. Jesus taught the

principle of how to walk as people of the kingdom (ie. Christian) one by one. First, he taught the

principle of treasure in life (verse 19-24), secondly about anxiety, in particular with the necessary

things in life (25-34), thirdly about the principle of judging others, of the body of Christ (7:1-6),

fourth, the principle of God (7:7-11). The last one is the Golden rule (7:12).

I Laying up Treasure in Heaven

1. Firstly Jesus taught about life’s attitude, how you should live your life in regard to treasure.

Treasure is defined as something with “unimaginable worth and is kept very securely”. It is not

just the talk of money. Expensive clothing will attract moth, mouse and pests and the rust will

corrode metals. It cannot be stored on earth as it will be damaged. Further there is a risk of

thieves breaking in and stealing it through the whole of the wall they made. Entrusting God

with the things that is stored securely, layed up, sometimes it might be beloved person or

highest thought, makes your heart to face towards heaven.

2. It is not a bad thing to lay up treasure. The important thing is where you lay it up. Jesus said

“lay up treasures in heaven”. To do that sell your stuff, and provide for poor. Use your treasure

in this world so that you could leave treasures in the coming kingdom. “Before him will be

gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd

separates the sheep from the goats. And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on

the left.Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father,

inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and

you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed

me,I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you

came to me.’And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the

least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”(Matthew 25:32–36, 40). You might not notice

yourself. But by doing good deed to your brother and sisters, or the least of brothers, the

subtracted balance in heaven is high. You will receive the reward in heaven and rejoice. “ “As

for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the

uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to

do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up

treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that

which is truly life.” (1 Tim 6:17-19)

3. The life’s attitude that is only focused on earth will be absorbed with laying treasure on earth.

That treasure on earth will capture our feelings, affection, thought and other sensitivity and

control them. The attitude of life that seeks the kingdom of God above anything else will fill the

heart with purity, joy, refreshment and eternal blessings.

II Warning against laying treasure on earth from Amos 6:1-8

This warning was prophesied in the book of Old Testament, Amos. “Woe to those who are at ease

in Zion, and to those who feel secure on the mountain of Samaria, the notable men of the first of

the nations, to whom the house of Israel comes!” (Amos 6:1) “Woe” is making the Israelites to

understand it is foolish to be proud of living in luxury. It also make them understand the

consequence of such pride. The consequence is that they fell into wickedness. It includes having

excessively luxury ceremonies. How they’ve got it wrong! I am taking about “Zion” that is,


“Samaria”:It is trying to show that the leaders of the northern kingdom fell into sinful selfsatisfaction,

and God won’t show favoritism to the two nations in the time of judgement. It is

irresponsible that the leaders of the both nations trust security. They have believed blindly that the

next judgement of the Lord will bring victory and blessing. They never imagined the invasion and

judgement was to come.

Verse 2 “Pass over to Calneh, and see, and from there go to Hamath the great; then go down to

Gath of the Philistines. Are you better than these kingdoms? Or is their territory greater than your

territory,” (Amos 6:2) The leaders of Samaria presupposed their conviction of security on the

splendid, magnificent city of Samaria which cannot be compared with any other famous ancient

nations of the time. “Calneh” cannot be specified where it was. “Great Hamath” is equivalent with

Hammer at present time, it was situated about 200km north of Damascus. This town even

became an independent nation when Hittites Empire was destroyed around BC200. For a few

centuries, as a city located along the trade road which stretched south to north, it was the key city

of commerce as well as being the center of politics.“Gath, of the Philestine” 15km north of

Ashdod, 10km south of Ekron, Libnah. Gath is the only Palestinian city that wasn’t mentioned in

the first accusation by Amos. The leaders of Israel were proud of this sort of self-satisfaction.

Verse 3 “O you who put far away the day of disaster and bring near the seat of violence”. The

people have rejected the day of catastrophe. Ignored it. They behaved as if the justice has

disappeared from the world.

Verse4-6 ““Woe to those who lie on beds of ivory and stretch themselves out on their couches,

and eat lambs from the flock and calves from the midst of the stall, who sing idle songs to the

sound of the harp and like David invent for themselves instruments of music, who drink wine in

bowls and anoint themselves with the finest oils, but are not grieved over the ruin of

Joseph!” (Amos 6:4–6) They have inherited the blame of the Samaritan ruling class. Gluttony,

drunkenness and indulgence have been pointed out. Also lazy self-indulgence itself is the byproduct

of the violence. They were supported by the common people whose asset was robbed by

bribery and excessive tax.

The description of slothful self-satisfaction was emphasized in relation to existence the music in

verse 5. The first phrase ‘ improvisation of song’, also translated as ‘who sing idle songs’ only

appears here in the Old Testament. It is difficult to translate this verse. No matter how much

creativity the Israelites possessed, they didn’t use it to care for the poor amongst them or thinking

about the future of their country, but to the music that will boost the cheerful banquet without


‘New instruments’ means a tool for singing. It is thought to be either the string or precision

instruments. They could have been developed endlessly as accompaniment instruments for noisy


About the indulgent use of wine ad olive oil that Amos criticized, a piece of porcelain was found in

Samaria 1908, had a record of wide mouthed bottle that was used to keep the old wind and

purified olive oil. These pieces were estimated date over a century, from the rule of Jehu

(BC841-814) to rule of Menahem (BC752-742). The wine that was kept for a long time and

carefully and repetitively filtered purified oil had especially highly valued. That is the fact that

Amos admitted in the phrase of ‘the olive oil of the first fruits’ (“the highest quality oil” in

Shinkaiyaku translation). The rich applied this oil on their body to refresh and to perfume


Verse 7 “Therefore they shall now be the first of those who go into exile, and the revelry of those

who stretch themselves out shall pass away. (Amos 6:7) The oracle of disaster is stated here. The

first fruits of Israel verse 1 and 6 became the first to go into exile. They were taken with heavy

steps. When the invaders came to take the leaders of Israel by forcefully move them, the Israel

was filled with dead yet was unable to hold the banquet for the dead as they used to.

Exile of the Northern kingdom had brought a big change particularly in the life of the leaders.

Because almost two centuries had passed since the captivity under Shalmaneser IV (or Sargon II)

to the return prompted by the king Cyrus, only a few returned as the descendants of the leaders.

The political reality of Samaria had never receive its independence again. The descendant of the

kings never regain the power to rule.

6:8 God’s declaration of judgement

Verse 8 “The Lord GOD has sworn by himself, declares the LORD, the God of hosts: “I abhor the

pride of Jacob and hate his strongholds, and I will deliver up the city and all that is in it. (Amos

6:8) God will judge with the declaration. “declare the Lord, the God of hosts” The God of host has

dominion over both the heavenly assembly and the armed force of the invaders who would

execute the promised destruction of exile. The Lord swears with his own life to realize this

terrifying promise.

“Has sworn by himself” means to “risk his throat (life) on the line”. It is said that they showed to

each other choking their own throat as a proof in the case one could not accomplish the promise

they have made. The content of the declaration is in verse 1-7, the summary of destruction. God

shows his anger using the strong terms possible. This is the words that express the hatred and

disgust, and putting these words in the beginning and the end in Hebrew language, it adds even

more emphasis . The northern kingdom could never be as wrong before the Lord. They should

have upheld humility and trust in the Lord as the highest value. That is “the pride of Jacob”.

III Warning against “Laying up the treasure on earth” from New Testament James 5:1-3

Warning against rich “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon

you.Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten.Your gold and silver have

corroded, and their corrosion will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You

have laid up treasure in the last days.” (James 5:1-3)

‘Come now, you rich (verse1)’ The rich who don’t come to God. It is thought to be those who have

money and ignore God. Weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you’.

Miseries: this word is also used in Rom 3:16 ‘in their paths are ruin and misery’. It is originated by

Pauls word, wretched, in Rom7:24 ‘wretched man that I am’. “Weep and howl” is in imperative

form. When the day of the Lord comes and you know what you are doing, you would weep and

cry for fear of being judged. Before it is too late, weep and howl. And be saved. The word is

onomatopoeia. The sound of its pronunciation is as strong as howling. In the Old Testament it is

translated as wailing. It describes insane fear of people who meet God’s judgement. Isaiah

13:8-9 “They will be dismayed: pangs and agony will seize them; they will be in anguish like a

woman in labor. They will look aghast at one another; their faces will be aflame. Behold, the day

of the LORD comes, cruel, with wrath and fierce anger, to make the land a desolation and to

destroy its sinners from it.” Isaiah 14:31 “Wail, O gate; cry out, O city; melt in fear, O Philistia, all of

you! For smoke comes out of the north, and there is no straggler in his ranks.” (Isaiah 14:31) This

is the words that describe the painful experience of people in Hell.

Jacob knew that gold will not lust, but by describing this way, he is emphasizing the warning that

even the most valuable thing can be in the fate of destruction. Nothing in this world is eternal. It is

ultimately worthless. The desire for the unlimited wealth will eat up the human body and spirit with

terrible lust.

Let us lay up the treasure in heaven through whole life.

*All Bible references are taken from ESV


海浜幕張めぐみ教会 - Kaihin Makuhari Grace Church