メッセージ: ネイサン・クラッパム
通訳: 真紀子・クラッパム
2002年、結婚した後に、KGK(キリスト者学生会)の主催する学生のキャンプに参加する機会が与えられました。KGKは日本の大学のクリスチャンを励ます学生主体のクリスチャングループです。また、国際的なIFES (国際福音主義学生連盟)という組織のメンバーです。
私は17歳の頃、イエスに立ち返り、彼の支配の元にかえりました。服従の過程は 何ヶ月も前に始まり、私の人生は少しずつバラバラになっていきました。悪友を遠ぞけ、私の罪を現し、この世での望みを取り除きました。私は沈む舟で滅びていくように感じました。
“ イエスは、 このように多くのたとえで、 彼らの聞く力に応じて、 みことばを話された。 たとえによらないで話されることはなかった。 ただ、 ご自分の弟子たちにだけは、 すべてのことを解き明かされた。”
“そこで弟子たちは、 群衆をあとに残し、 舟に乗っておられるままで、 イエスをお連れした。 他の舟もイエスについて行った。” とあります。
“すると、 激しい突風が起こり、 舟は波をかぶって、 水でいっぱいになった。” とあります。
あなたは「湖」という言葉を聞くと何を想像するでしょうか? 静かで、穏やかな湖もあります。しかし、水が深い湖は大きな波を生み出すこともあるのです。ガラリヤ湖は、海面よりも低い所にあり、風がとても強く吹きつけることもある場所でした。このような湖はとても恐ろしいこともあるのです。
ところがイエスだけは、 とものほうで、 枕をして眠っておられた (4:38a)。”
“弟子たちはイエスを起こして言った。 「先生。 私たちがおぼれて死にそうでも、 何とも思われないのですか。 4:38」”
彼らが恐れて叫んだことはわかりますが、彼らはなぜイエスが気にかけていないと責めたのでしょう? その叫びは彼らの心の状態を曝け出しました。
“イエスは起き上がって、 風をしかりつけ、 湖に「黙れ、 静まれ」と言われた。 すると風はやみ、 大なぎになった。” (4:39)
私たちの日々の生活の中で、私たちとともにおられる方が、その力を持っているということを忘れがちです。私たちとともにおられる方が救うことができるのです。日常に起こる小さな出来事のことを言っているのではありません。もちろんイエスはそのようなことに働かれることもできます。あなたの死の間際、突然パニックが起きる時に、何とも思われないとイエスを責めるかもしれない その時にもイエスに力があることを覚えてください。
イエス以外には。舟の上でイエスが言われた後、“大なぎになった。” (4:39)とあります。
弟子たちの反応から 彼らが一緒にいる方がだれかということをまだ完全にわかっていなかったことがわかります。ですから、41節で、
“彼らは大きな恐怖に包まれて、 互いに言った。 「風や湖までが言うことをきくとは、 いったいこの方はどういう方なのだろう。 」” (4:41)
“それから、 イエスは群衆を弟子たちといっしょに呼び寄せて、 彼らに言われた。 「だれでもわたしについて来たいと思うなら、 自分を捨て、 自分の十字架を負い、 そしてわたしについて来なさい。 いのちを救おうと思う者はそれを失い、 わたしと福音とのためにいのちを失う者はそれを救うのです。” (8:34–35)
この聖句を理解するのは一生涯の奉仕が必要かもしれませんが、日本に行くために祈っていく上で わたしにとってとても重要な聖句でした。マルコの4章38節で弟子たちはイエスが8章35節で使った同じ言葉を使います。舟で弟子たちはいのちを失うことを恐れていましたが、イエスは彼と福音のためにいのちを失いなさいと言っているのです。私たちがイエスと福音のためにいのちを失おうとするときに、私たちは救われるのです。イエスは私たちに、からだと知性と心を彼が支配するよう 捧げなさいと言っているのです。
How to live your life: Give it to the King
Mark 4:34-41
Prelude: Journey to Japan
There were many times on our journey to Japan that God has been at work to shape our lives. My first overseas trip was in the year 2000 to Japan. At that time I knew nothing about Japan. My eyes were opened as I saw so many people who did not have an opportunity to hear about Jesus.
From that moment God began to work in my heart about His plans for all nations to know His Son. As I read the Bible God opened my eyes to see that His plans always succeed and that His gospel was for all people in all nations.
At that time I was attending a church at University in Canberra. On a cold winter Sunday night, something began to warm my heart. As I looked across the room; it was love at first sight. At least for me! Maki was sitting a few rows in front.
Maki had become Christian through the work of the student ministry at University. Both Maki and I grew in our understanding and trust in the Lord as we attended student meetings and camps.
In 2002, just after we married, we had the opportunity to attend a student camp in Japan. It was run by KGK – キリスト者学生会. KGK is a student lead Christian group that supports Christians on Japanese university campuses. It is part of an international group called the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students.
At this camp we could understand some of the struggles that Christian students faced on the many University campuses. We remember some students that were so happy to be able to identify with other Christians their own age in similar situations.
As both Maki and I have been involved in student ministry we have seen the valuable and strategic role it can play for the Christian community. University is often a time of life where people begin to think about life and make important decisions. During this time Maki and I were strongly encouraged to read the Bible and prioritise God’s Word in our lives.
Our hope is that we might be involved in supporting this strategic student ministry here in Japan. Our plan, God willing, is for me to continue in language study until the end of 2015. If my language has progressed enough I will work full-time with KGK in the Kanto area. This will involve working alongside students at different University campuses to teach, train and evangelise.
We have been in training and preparation for over 10 years. And we are still beginning. At each point along the way God has worked to ensure He ruled our life. The passage that I want to share with you today has been helpful for me when as I’ve felt scared to follow Jesus.
To loose a life,
such a pity
life cut away,
oh the pain
He didn’t stop,
just kept on
Whose am I now,
but yours
To loose a life,
such a gain
When God begins a work, He doesn’t give up. This has been true from creation, through many generations, and ultimately in the sacrifice of His own Son for our salvation. It is true in my own life as it is in yours. Our God is totally trustworthy and will complete the work he has begun.
I was about 17 when I turned to Jesus and surrendered to His rule. The process of surrender began months before as God slowly broke my life apart. He took away friends, revealed my sinfulness, and left me without hope in this world. I felt as if I were perishing on a sinking boat.
It wasn’t until I was 100 percent dependent upon God’s grace that it was possible for me to let Christ rule. Before that, pride, stubbornness, and love of the world ruled me. But by God’s mercy, He broke down the idols in my life and saved me. He gave me a new family, took away my sin and gave me true hope. Rather than perishing on a sinking boat, I felt truly alive with Jesus. Becoming Christian, means loosing our own life to gain new life in Christ.
The defenceless disciples
Verse 35 begins with ‘On that day’. It was the end of a long day of teaching that began in 4:1. There were many people gathered because they had heard about the great things Jesus was doing. So Jesus had a small boat ready that he might sit in to teach from. (cf. 3:9)
That day Jesus spoke many parables. His disciples would ask him privately about the parables and Jesus would explain everything to them. Verse 4:33-34 says:
“He would speak the word to them with many parables like these, as they were able to understand. And He did not speak to them without a parable. Privately, however, He would explain everything to His own disciples.” (Mark 4:33–34 HCSB)
“ イエスは、 このように多くのたとえで、 彼らの聞く力に応じて、 みことばを話された。 たとえによらないで話されることはなかった。 ただ、 ご自分の弟子たちにだけは、 すべてのことを解き明かされた。” (Mark 4:33–34 SHINKAI)
The disciples were insiders; they had a privileged position. Each one was called by Jesus. In Chapter 3, the 12 were all taken up the mountain and appointed apostles. They helped Jesus attend the crowd while teaching; they were eye-witnesses to many miraculous healings and to his authority over evil spirits; they stood by Him when being rebuked by the Pharisees. The disciples were Jesus’ closest friends.
That day, when evening had come, I imagine they were tired. They had been supporting Jesus’ teaching ministry and attending to the large crowds all day. Jesus then tells them in verse 35, “Let’s cross over to the other side of the lake”.
We are not told why Jesus wanted to cross the lake. Perhaps he wanted to escape the large crowds as He had become weary. He had obviously become so tired as to sleep in a boat through the coming storm. Whatever the reason, the disciples quickly set off. Verse 36 says:
“So they left the crowd and took Him along since He was already in the boat. And other boats were with Him.” (Mark 4:36 HCSB)
“そこで弟子たちは、 群衆をあとに残し、 舟に乗っておられるままで、 イエスをお連れした。 他の舟もイエスについて行った。” (Mark 4:36 SHINKAI)
Notice that the disciples “took” Jesus along. The picture here is that the disciples all gathered into the boat with Jesus and set off into the lake. Jesus gave the request but the disciples took the lead in organising the logistics, during which Jesus began to sleep in the back of the boat.
Here the story takes a rapid turn. The lake becomes chaotic. Verse 37 says:
“A fierce windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking over the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped.” (Mark 4:37 HCSB)
“すると、 激しい突風が起こり、 舟は波をかぶって、 水でいっぱいになった。” (Mark 4:37 SHINKAI)
What do you imagine when you hear the word “Lake”? Some lakes can be calm, the water remains flat. But others, with deep water, can produce large waves. Lake Galilee was lower than sea level and a place where wind could become very strong. On those lakes it can be scary.
During high school I was a sailor. Even in the winter, when the wind was at times like ice, I would rush to the lake. The bigger the wind, the better. One day I was sailing with a friend and a windstorm arose. At first we enjoyed it, our sails filled with wind; our speed increasing. I was hanging out on the trapeze keeping the boat level. It was a great feeling.
But the wind didn’t stop. It kept increasing. The waves also kept increasing. As we went down the wave, we could no longer see the shore. The sky became darker. Fear started to creep into my heart. What if we capsize? What if something breaks on this old boat? What if we die?
What would you have felt? More and more water coming into the boat. Waves getting bigger and bigger.
Jesus was asleep. He was calm:
“But He was in the stern, sleeping on the cushion.” (Mark 4:38a HCSB)
“ところがイエスだけは、 とものほうで、 枕をして眠っておられた。” (Mark 4:38a SHINKAI)
If you are like me, I would probably react differently than Jesus. Gripped by fear, I would probably react like the disciples in the second part of verse 38:
“So they woke Him up and said to Him, “Teacher! Don’t you care that we’re going to die?”” (Mark 4:38 HCSB)
“弟子たちはイエスを起こして言った。 「先生。 私たちがおぼれて死にそうでも、 何とも思われないのですか。 」” (Mark 4:38 SHINKAI)
In times of stress, sometimes you say things you don’t mean, but still have some truth to your feelings deep inside. The disciples called out in frustration “Don’t you care that we are going to die!”
We know the disciples are Jesus’ closest friends. They are eye-witnesses to Jesus’ authority and his healing care for people. They must know that He cares for them. We also know that this situation made them terrified, as they were afraid to die.
We could understand why they might cry out in fear, but why did they accuse Jesus of not caring? I think the cry exposed the state of their own hearts.
When do people usually accuse others? Isn’t it when they are trying to protect themselves? The disciples had been trying hard to protect themselves, but now it was time to accuse Jesus of not caring. Jesus is asleep, He doesn’t care if we die!
From the bottom of their heart, when it seemed as if there was no hope, in desperation came a cry of accusation. We are doing our best Jesus, but you don’t care. How do you feel towards Jesus when your life doesn’t work out? We need this revealing moment, just like the disciples. A moment when our hearts and feelings are exposed. These moments are when Jesus can speak.
Jesus’ power
Awoken by the disciples cry, Jesus turns to the creation and displays His saving power. The disciples have felt their own incapacity to save themselves and Jesus steps in to answer their need. In verse 39:
“He got up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Silence! Be still!” The wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” (Mark 4:39 HCSB)
“イエスは起き上がって、 風をしかりつけ、 湖に「黙れ、 静まれ」と言われた。 すると風はやみ、 大なぎになった。” (Mark 4:39 SHINKAI)
Who can exercise control over nature like that?
In Gen 8:1-2, God remembered Noah, who was still on the Ark in the flood. He moved the wind and caused the water to subside. Ps 74:13-14 talks of God’s strength in parting the sea as He formed the earth.
There is only One who can command creation. God alone has the power, strength and authority. Although the disciples took Jesus along, organising the boat to cross the lake, it is clear now that Jesus is the one in control.
It is easy to forget in our daily lives that the one present with us has this power. The one who is with us is able to save. I’m not speaking of little things in our lives, although Jesus can work in those also; it’s when you are about to die, and suddenly a moment of panic arises, perhaps to accuse Jesus of not caring – in that moment know Jesus still has the power.
The One who spoke, and formed every part of your body. The One who brought you into existence with His Word. He can catch you from the power of death.
Many people today seek to avoid death. Advances in science and medicine make some believe that they have power to save. Yet still they can not avoid death. Everyone is helpless when death comes.
Except Jesus. On the boat, after Jesus spoke, it says:
“there was a great calm.” (Mark 4:39 HCSB)
“大なぎになった。” (Mark 4:39 SHINKAI)
To loose your life, such a gain
Why did Jesus wait until such a desperate time to display His power? I think it was because the disciples needed to know that Jesus saves, not them.
Remember their feeling of helplessness that exposed their hearts? Although people try to suppress this feeling, everyone is helpless without God. God reveals this in different ways to different people. Such a feeling can drive people one of two ways. The first is to seek to protect one’s own life. People do this by building security for themselves: A stable job, excess money, status and admiration from others, greater possessions.
The second way to respond is to entrust your protection unto Jesus. People do this by admitting that protection is found no where else but Jesus. In other words, submitting every decision in your life to be governed by Jesus. Loosing your own life and gaining new life ruled by the King.
Jesus points them in the right direction as he asks two revealing questions. He asks “Why are you fearful?”, and follows up with an indirect answer to their problem of fear, “Do you still have no faith?”
Through this question Jesus implies that the antidote to fear is faith. The disciples fear exposed their lack of faith. Jesus’ hint to the disciples here is that they can and should entrust themselves to Him. There is no need to be fearful when Jesus is present. The disciples should let go of their own lives and allow Jesus to protect them.
You might not guess, but I like to control things. Wether it is the television, the computer or the car. When we had a car there would be times when Maki would drive and I would sit on the passenger seat. I wonder if you have had a similar situation? Whenever we come towards traffic lights, my foot wants to press the break. As we get closer to the car in front, my hand grips the handle tighter and tighter. You might say I was worried. To release that worry, what I needed to do was to completely entrust myself to Maki.
Jesus has displayed His power. He has given them the antidote to their fear. He wants them to give up their lives and entrust themselves to Him. He is teaching them what it means to follow Him. What it means to have faith in Him.
The disciples response reveals they still don’t comprehend who is standing with them. So their fear increases:
“And they were terrified and asked one another, “Who then is this? Even the wind and the sea obey Him!”” (Mark 4:41 HCSB)
“彼らは大きな恐怖に包まれて、 互いに言った。 「風や湖までが言うことをきくとは、 いったいこの方はどういう方なのだろう。 」” (Mark 4:41 SHINKAI)
They ask the right question. We need to ask this same question: Who do you think this man is? A man who can silence chaotic waters with a word. A man who offers to conquer our fear of death. If you don’t know this man, please ask this same question.
In Mark’s gospel the disciples continue to lack understanding despite their closeness to Jesus. It’s not until chapter 8:29 that Peter recognises Jesus as the Messiah. Shortly after that, Jesus outlines what is required to be His follower. In 8:34 he says:
“Summoning the crowd along with His disciples, He said to them, “If anyone wants to be My follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me and the gospel will save it.” (Mark 8:34–35 HCSB)
“それから、 イエスは群衆を弟子たちといっしょに呼び寄せて、 彼らに言われた。 「だれでもわたしについて来たいと思うなら、 自分を捨て、 自分の十字架を負い、 そしてわたしについて来なさい。 いのちを救おうと思う者はそれを失い、 わたしと福音とのためにいのちを失う者はそれを救うのです。” (Mark 8:34–35 SHINKAI)
Understanding this verse will take a lifetime of service, but it has been an important verse for me as we prayed about moving to Japan.
In Mark 4:38 the disciples use the same word Jesus uses in Mark 8:35. The disciples were afraid to loose their life, but Jesus asks His followers to loose their life for Him and the gospel. It is only when we seek to loose our life for Jesus and His gospel that we will be saved. Jesus is asking us to submit our minds, our bodies and our hearts before Him, and let Him rule.
So how should we live out lives? We should give it to our King!
When I became a Christian it was only because of God’s grace. By myself I could not know or trust Jesus. But Jesus revealed to me His love and kindness. I felt like I was on a sinking boat but He showed me I need to be 100 percent dependent on Him. Even this was God’s gift.
It is good to know that God doesn’t give up on us. He wants each of us to know and follow Jesus. We make mistakes, but by God’s grace, He supports us. Let’s pray that God might reveal our helplessness and turn our hearts to be 100 percent dependent upon Jesus. It is only when our hearts become like this that we can know God’s saving glory.